
Hello, my name is Lachlan Slape, but I am also known online as slapelachie. Welcome to my corner of the internet. Here you'll find many different projects I have created. I don't know how I'll use this website yet. I may write to a blog or upload pictures from time to time.

I am an undergraduate CS student living in Australia. I am a programmer and a GNU/Linux enthusiast who loves tinkering with systems to see how they tick. As a programmer, I follow many philosophies including: KISS (Keep it simple stupid) and the Unix philosophy of do one thing and do it right. As a lot of the things I create are scripts, my main programming language is Python. However I do mess around with source code programmed in C for my terminal emulator and window manager.

Outside of programming, I have a huge passion for sciences (mainly physics) and mathematics. I guess my interests in physics and mathematics probably stems from my love in programming, with how I love to learn the underlying mechanics of everything.

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